Friday, February 6, 2009

What is Stopping You From Living Your Dreams?

The answer could very well be YOUR behavior. Each year, many people plan and set goals, and year after year things end up the same for a vast majority of individuals. The goals and visions remain as just that with no major changes to support these dreams.

Mistakes need to be examined and used as tools for change. It makes no difference whether the goal is changing behavior in relationships, diet changes, healthy living, or a major career change.

Making major, or even minor life changes, can be compared to an endurance race. Have you ever wondered what it’s like to train for professional sports, professional dance, or even amateur endurance races? You’ve heard the saying, “No pain, no gain.”

The most famous modern era Olympic story that took place at the Mexico City Olympics in 1968 always stands out in my mind as a classic example of supreme endurance. John Stephen Akhwari of Tanzania, who started the Olympic marathon with all the other runners, crossed the finish line bandaged, bloody, badly limping and alone. To everyone’s amazement, his timing was over an hour earlier than expected.

When he was asked how he accomplished this incredible feat, a surprised Akhwari responded: “My country did not send me 5,000 miles to Mexico City to start the race. They sent me 5,000 miles to finish.”

The classic endurance displayed by the great, Michael Jordan is beyond inspiring. He said, “My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength. My body could stand the crutches but my mind couldn’t stand the sideline.

“I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying. I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games, and 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

Many years ago when I took a management course, it was filled with great information. The one tip that I want to share applies to correcting your kids, your employees, or anyone in your life. It’s called the CFC approach — Compliment, Feedback, Compliment. For example, “You were great and your swing was perfect. We just have to work a little on your running speed. I’m so proud of you!” CCC works every time, even with the big “kids” in your life.

One of the main reasons that lead me to develop the “Your Turn To Win” program is that throughout my life I’ve witnessed patterns with people employees, friends, associates many of whom unknowingly repeat the same negative patterns over and over. I began to see this central struggle with people who were trying to achieve goals. Any goal can be achieved if you keep four main elements as your guide — desire, commitment, responsibility and outlook. These four things have been instrumental in building the life I enjoy and I use them everyday.

Making career or life changes will never be a smooth process, but the responses of people who fail, or make mistakes can be critical. I’ve seen people so down on themselves that they feel worthless because of failure. That’s why I cite the examples of Michael Jordan. Mistakes, or failures never stopped him, they made him stronger.

Failure is a major problem for some people who view mistakes and failures as absolutes. Failure can be a learning experience. Hard work, persistence, and effort are part of the formula but, one of the surest ways to success and happiness is recognizing what gets in your way on the journey towards those things. We cover these points in detail with step by step guides and exercises in the “Your Turn To Win” program.

Several years ago, I helped a young woman who was on her way to becoming a doctor. I received a call from when she was close to finishing her education. I was happy to hear from her, but saddened to learn that she was so unhappy, she wanted to quit med school. She had finally realized that her real ambition was dancing and she wanted to leave school immediately. I asked her to meet with me and to wait before making any major decisions. During our sessions, I helped her examine her goals, realize that she had made a commitment, and recognize that she had many thousands of dollars worth of educational debt that would have to be paid.

There was also the issue of paying off her educational debt on a dancer’s salary that is not always the most secure way of making a living. I then gently suggested that she could still have a career in medicine and realize her desires as a dancer.

Because this vibrant young woman finished her education, she was able to secure a high paying job with a major pharmaceutical company. She is now able to fulfill her dancing aspirations during the evening and on weekends. She has it all — security, fantastic benefits and her dancing.

According to the latest trend reports, baby boomers won’t have the luxury of retiring the way many of our parents did, and many of them don’t really want to retire, but they’d like to pursue new options. In some cases, when people do retire, it isn’t always the ideal choice. And, unfortunately, this realization doesn’t always happen until after retirement.

According to our research, most people realize all of their retirement dreams within six months after retiring — whether it’s a trip to an exotic country, moving to a warmer climate, playing golf, tennis until you drop, sleeping until noon every day, or going back to college.

We had one client who retired at age 69 after working six days a week, 16 hours a day for over 40 years. His wife wanted to move to a warmer climate where they could relax and enjoy life. She thought they would travel and he wanted to play golf and bowl, but there were never any discussions about these details.

He was somewhat happy, but he missed his staff so he became CEO of the house, and the self-appointed maintenance chair for the three building condo. Once a month, he paid a visit to the manager with a mental list of things that needed to be fixed. Nothing was ever written down, it was all in his head after inspecting all three buildings. His wife was miserable and felt cheated.

We were very successful in helping them work out there issues once we were able to get them to open up and really discuss things. The hurt, frustration and the anger were also issues that we helped them deal with. He’s golfing and bowling, but he’s now the VP of their condo board, and yes, you guessed it — the real maintenance chair. She’s working part-time for a travel agent, giving travel seminars, and they’re also traveling.

For some, retirement is great, but for others, it’s disaster. Some people need redirection because nothing has to be written in stone.

My program can help you explore your passions, whatever they might be. Whether you’re planning to change professions, retire, create a nonprofit foundation, or start your own business, my program can help you explore discover what you are capable of physically and mentally.

“Your Turn to Win” will teach you how to break out of that comfort level of familiarity and discover the power of vision, commitment and determination. My goal is to open your eyes to a new way of thinking; one that will inspire you to fulfill your deepest desires and share with the world your unique gifts.

I am living proof that people can accomplish anything in life they desire. This is the way I have lived, and continue to live my life on a daily basis. I don’t buy that somehow I’m different from others because I’m not. I did not come from a privileged background, I had to create my life from scratch. My mother is a great baker, and her best cakes are made from scratch.

If we can all just realize that we are in control of our destiny than we can truly start living. My Dad was a steelworker and my Mother a secretary, and I learned not to be afraid of long hours and hard work. What I did learn for myself is that when you are living a passionate life, the work seems a lot lighter and far more rewarding. I firmly believe that people can accomplish their goals no matter what their background, history, or financial position.

It is never too late to start a new project, profession, or direction. I have been passionate about many things in my life, and my mission is to share my unique and effective methods for life change and empower others to realize their full potential and create a more fulfilling life. Trust in the belief that you can and will accomplish your dreams. Don’t be the one who’s stopping YOU.

Visit Lance Heft on the web:

Is Your Comfort Level Making It Difficult For You To Achieve Your Goals?

We all have dreams and aspirations…some are fleeting thoughts and some are burning unfulfilled goals.  If your decision making process is based on a comfort level of familiarity, you could be creating barriers…those individual characteristics that keep us from achieving our goals. 

Many people struggle as they repeatedly make the same mistakes whether it’s lack of organization, lack of vision, unrealistic expectations, or fear of failure.  The reason is usually that they have not identified the barriers to their success in order to overcome them.  In simple terms, it’s identification, clarification, change and elimination. 

This is just as true for major corporations as it is for individuals.  A number of years ago, I received a phone call from a very close friend who held a prominent position in a Fortune 200 company.  Since the conversation was confusing at best, I suggested that we meet for dinner. 

During drinks, he finally explained that his company decided to lay off workers due to a $155 million dollar European factory loss.  The problem was related to the economy, poor planning and currency issues.  This situation was combined with a major mistake involving one of the department stores, a $250,000. opening order and the fact that the senior store management had been insulted.

According to my friend, he had provided numerous innovative plans to make the European factory profitable, but the recommendations fell on deaf ears. He also tried to solve the department store issue and open discussions between his senior management and the senior management at the store.  He said, “No one listens. They believe that the European factory problems can’t be fixed and they refuse to meet with the department store management because they feel that selling to that class of trade is out of the question.”  Their final comment was, “We’ve done things this way for the last 25 years because we’re the fashion leaders in this industry, so there is nothing to discuss.”

The company also ignored requests to restructure their sales force training program even with a 40 percent turn over rate.  They continued to lose the best and the brightest of their sales force and ignore complaints from store buyers.

This type of thinking is classified as a Corporate Comfort Level of Familiarity thinking.  If the real business issues are never addressed in detail, nothing has to change, or so they think.
My friend’s company had never laid off workers. Now, he was out of a job, angry, frightened and convinced that he would never find another position. Although my friend had been looking for a new position, the problem was, it was not supposed to happen this way.

During the months after the lay off, I would remind him of his talents.  Fortunately, his wife was understanding and supportive.  We worked together to develop a concrete plan so that he could address his goals, fears and aspirations.

In the end, my friend was hired by a dynamic company.  And, nine months later, my friend’s former company was eventually taken over by their major competition.  The only thing that remains is the brand.

I’ve built many successful business ventures in my life with a lot of hard work and determination.  I’ve also helped numerous people change their lives and realize their goals.  My upcoming book and empowerment program “Your Turn to Win,” covers my philosophy on life.  It also offers insights about goal achievement and redesigning your life.

Whether you’re planning to change professions, retire, obtain an advanced degree, create a nonprofit foundation, or start your own business, my program can help you explore your passions. It will not only help you examine your passions, it will help you discover what you are capable of physically and mentally.  It will teach you how to break out of that comfort level of familiarity and discover the power of vision, commitment and determination.  My goal is to open your eyes to a new way of thinking; one that will inspire you to fulfill your deepest desires and share with the world your unique gifts.

People can accomplish anything in life they desire. I am living proof   this is the way I have lived and continue to live my life on a daily basis. And there is no reason that others cannot do what the son of a steel worker and secretary could do. I don’t buy that somehow I’m different than others. They can do it too!

I have been passionate about many things in my life, and I can tell you that it is never too late to start.  My mission is to share my unique and effective methods for life change and empower others to realize their full potential and create a more fulfilling life. 

Visit Lance Heft on the web: